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The Proposals

Our Approach

The approach to the type of employment and design of the development for Newlands Business Park has been informed by planning policy, planning history and site constraints.

Our aim is to deliver flexible employment-based development which can respond to local market forces within high-quality and modern buildings with associated access, service yards and parking. As such, the application seeks permission for buildings which can be subdivided into multiple planning units so they can accommodate various occupants of varying sizes.

Particular attention has been given to the preservation of residential amenity as well as the criteria for employment development within the approved Old Park Farm Design Code and how this guides the relationship between land uses.


North Plot

The North Plot application proposals seek to erect 2no. buildings (N1 & N2) to be used flexibly for employment uses (Class E(g), B2 and / or B8) plus associated landscaping, works and infrastructure.

Following pre-application discussions and public consultation, careful consideration has been given to securing and maintaining an appropriate relationship with the surrounding area, particularly the residential properties to the east and open space to the west. As such, the application is seeking approval for detailed vehicular access as well as buildings layouts and heights. 

Specifically, the North Plot details sought for approval include:

  • 3,160 sqm footprint for building N1 and 750 sqm (GEA) footprint for building N2 (GEA);

  • Building N1 can comprise up to 3no. units whilst N2 can comprise up to 2no. smaller units;

  • 15% of total floorspace (GIA) will be comprise mezzanine floorspace;

  • Position of buildings N1 and N2 on the Darnel Road frontage with service yards and car parking to the rear;

  • Incorporation of active frontages to building N1 with projections to provide visual interest;

  • 11m height (3 storeys) for building N1 and 9.5m height (2.5 storeys) for building N2; and

  • Minor improvements are proposed to the existing bellmouth to ensure 2 HGVs can pass each other during site egress with 25m visibility splays at both directions along Darnel Road.

  • In the interests of sustainability, the existing made ground and natural soil will be retained on site as far as possible. The site development levels (and proposed building heights) are determined by the existing ground levels and drainage strategies.


South Plot

The South Plot application proposals seek to erect 3no. buildings - S1, S2 & S3 - for ‘flexible’ employment (Class E(g), B2 and / or B8) uses plus the option to incorporate indoor sport, recreation, medical and health (Class E(d) & (e)) services.

The site is subject to various constraints including easements in its southern part and the proposed building locations and their division by the service yards reflect this. Furthermore, following comments from Newlands Parish Council and local residents, special attention has been paid to the site’s relationship with neighbouring residential buildings in order to ensure a suitable relationship between the existing and proposed land uses.

Specifically, the South Plot proposals include:

  • 619 sqm footprint for building S1, 725 sqm footprint for building S2 and 725 sqm footprint for building S3 (GEA);

  • Building S1 can comprise up to 2no. units, building S2 can incorporate up to 6no. units and S3 can incorporate up to 4no. units;

  • 24% of total floorspace (GIA) will comprise mezzanine floorspace;

  • Dual building frontages and separate access to each service yard;

  • Slight raising of the landform in the north of the Plot to create a gradual north to south slope. This is necessary to incorporate the drainage strategy and mitigate against asbestos contained in the made ground. A Remediation Strategy has been prepared which recommends an engineered solution at soft landscaped areas and a discovery strategy during development to address any as yet unidentified contamination that may be identified during the works.

  • 2no. storey building heights. Buildings S1 & S2 are 8m high whilst S3 is 9m high (all to ridge). Despite the proposed raising of the site levels, the buildings do not rise significantly above neighbouring residential buildings;

  • Separation of buildings to provide east to west views through the site;

  • The roofs incorporate north and south facing skylights as well as photovoltaic (PV) solar panels; and

  • A 2.5m tall acoustic barrier along the eastern site boundary to screen noise from within the service yards.

  • In the interests of sustainability, the existing made ground and natural soil will be retained on site as far as possible. The site development levels (and proposed building heights) are determined by the existing ground levels and drainage strategies.


The applications are also accompanied by details of planning obligations necessary to offset any infrastructure impacts of the development of Newlands Business Park. These planning obligations can be secured via a S106 legal agreement and include the widening of the existing vehicle access point, highway restrictions, enhancement of green infrastructure and a requirement to use and train a local workforce.

Full details of the Newlands Business Park proposals are detailed within the respective North and South Plot applications, available online via Winchester City Council’s website by searching the application references;

North Plot: 21/00570/OUT

South Plot: 21/01005/FUL.


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